Spring Break is in full kick and WWE has their reality show rolling right along. Please remind CM Punk that St. Patties Day is tomorrow, so that he can cut an awesome promo about it for Smackdown on Friday. Speaking of CM Punk, here he comes with Darren Young and the Straight Edge Society. So live (I thought they've been taped this whole time haha) from Los Angeles, here's the NXT notes!
CM Punk/Darren "Unh Se, Unh Se, Unh Se" Young beat Matt "Jobberwalkie #1" Hardy/"Mr. Flaymboyant" Justin Gabriel in a tag team match via pinfall: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
We have Gabriel eating the steel step courtesy of Young as we cut to commercial. Good job with the commercial break placement. Yeah it like that in a show, wanna fight about it? I also like the gradual way Punk is rubbing off on Young. It actually makes it seem like a progression with CM Punk and his rookie. I like Young getting the pinfall off Hardy, cause now he's pinned a pro too. Then gets plastered by the Gallows Poll. Haha great, its the statement that it's Punks way or the highway and if you question it, you'll be punished. Also it was a nice 15 minute tag match we don't see all that often on WWE TV anymore. Kudos to that match.
The Great Khali aka "Jobberwalkie #2" vs Daniel Bryan in a single match via pinfall: 1/10 or 0.5/5 Stars
The Miz is so nice to set up this match for Bryan, it's a nice warm-up match. Good luck Bryan, try offering him a chicken as a peace offering. And he had a decent squash match with Khali. The sleeper, and the kicks into the missile drop kick only to have the power royally screw Daniels chances of winning more than Cole does on commentary is how all: Mark Henry, Great Khali, and Big Show matches need to go. Oh, and then the Big Show, who actually looks like he's having fun on TV again, comes out and destroys Bryan some more with a choke-slam. Nice, he's 0-4, but he's still the best rookie on NXT.
We have a Vince Screwed Vince Raw Rebound as we find out that McMahon/Hart will be No Holds Barred match AND that Bret is 100%! Here's a link to Layin' Down the Raw, cause much more than that happened last night with Stone Cold hosting. http://matthewmday.blogspot.com/2010/03/layin-down-raw-31510.html
We see the nice, cocky, "Google Me" promo that they ran for Otunga at the start of NXT. I like it, and if he get's better in the ring, and you combine that with his great heel promo cutting skills he could be a nice addition to the WWE main roster.
Heath Slater beat Michael Tarver in a singles match via pinfall: 3/10 or 1.5/5 Stars
Well the One Man Rock Band vs Mr. 1.9 Seconds is on tap, and no pros with them so they're testing the waters with the crowd I assume. It's kind-of in it, especially after that corkscrew plancha Slater did. Slater goes 3-0, like it really matters, and after the match Tarver hits a nice revenge Tarver T-Bone. Yeah that's what I'm calling it, get your own name for it.
I like the Skip/Regal interactions, but I don't like him in-ring at all. He's just another big guy, cause Vince likes 'em, and can put on a meh match. I miss Christan taunting Regal by calling him "Bill" bring that back on RAW or NXT sometime. Please.
Wade "The Florist" Barrett w/Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Champion) beat Skip "To My Lou" Sheffield w/William Regal in a singles match via pinfall: 4/10 or 2/5 Stars
We get Jericho commentating in the absence of Cole and Matthews doing it. and telling them to do their job. I think they should stick him with Cole every week, if not to just have him vocally kill him for an hour. Haha. Barrett works on Skips back the whole match and ends it with his fireman's carry into the dump over the front. Solid match, noting great just good.
NXT: 6/10 or 6/5 Stars
Last Week: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
I think this has been my favorite next so far, mostly due to the very very good tag match to start out the show. We don't see many TV tag matches like this, it was a nice surprise. The rest of the matches were meh to good, and the promos and backstage stuff was solid. NXT continues to impress (me at least) as it wears on. Same rating, cause it's been solid the whole time. Also in two weeks we have our first elimination. My pick, Michael Tarver. Sorry, you can equate your nickname, to your amount of time in NXT.
That's it for the NXT Notes. As always suggest to me stuff you'd like me to write on n' shizz.
Thanks for reading Fat Jesus Disciples!
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