WWE's round two of a reality show, WWE NXT has been a fun show to watch the past two weeks. with the Rookies and Pros getting used to, or the opposite, each other, how will tonight play out? Here comes a recap of the goings on. Taped in Seattle, Washington here the NXT Notes.
We start out with a recap of last week. The Otunga/Tuth fight, the Young win, and the epic 450 Splash from Gabriel.
R-Truth/David Otunga beat The Miz (United States/Unified Tag Team Champion)/Daniel Bryan in a tag team match via pinfall: 5/10 or 2.5/5 Stars
Joy the Mr. Narcissistic starts out the show with his sub-par rapping and limited move set. At least I know what city their in each week, thanks Truth. David "Google Me" Otunga is with him, at least he bobbing his head as they come out this time. I think they're starting to like each other and it's cute. (Pauses for the readers to say 'Awwwwwww') Boy the Miz is carrying a lot of gold, and he's not happy about the mugging from last night. Also if Bryan is pinned, the Miz will make sure Bryan is thrown out of NXT. As we go into the first commercial break Bryan goes over the top rope, then Miz, then R-Truth is launched by Otunga into a senton over the top rope into Bryan/Miz. End match, Bryan tags himself him and hits a nice missile dropkick on Otunga. He then throws judo kicks and slaps on a heel hook. But Miz tags himself in and get's in a tussle with Bryan. While the ref is getting Bryan outta the ring, Truth hits The Lie Detector of Miz and Otunga follows it up with a spinebuster-like move for the pinfall. After the match The Miz is irate and says he's gonna have Bryan thrown of next. Now Bryan owes Miz two hits cause he flinched.
After the match Striker asks the Miz if he feels he left Bryan down by losing himself. As Miz is answering, Bryan walks up he shoves Miz and asks him, if he's so great with all his acolytes then why couldn't he win the match? Deep thoughts from NXT, hunh guys? No, fine, they tried.
Cut to a promo from Slater saying how he's pissed that Carlito spit the apple in his face. And that he'd fastball an apple at Carltio's face if given the chance. (Vintage fruit brutality, thanks for posting)
We have a profile of Justin Gabriel. He says he's been called the poster-boy, and has British and Japanese tendencies in the ring. He looks alright, hope he makes it in the WWE in the future.
We find out Justin Gabriel did everything Hardy told him perfectly and not to change a thing in his main event match with Wade Barrett. In strolls Y2J and his rookie, and they guarantee the non-fan favorite will lose tonight.
Heath Slater w/Christian beat Carlito w/Michael Tarver in a singles match via pinfall: 5/10 or 2.5/5 Stars
Carltio comes out with a mic and says it wasn't an embarrassment when he spit in his face last week, more a right of passage. Also that he should be humbles enough to let him do it again. Heath dodges the chunks this time and that takes us into the commercial break. One for two so far this week NXT. Step it up NOW! End match, Carltio throws and arm stretch submission, which Slater gets out of, but gets shoulder blocked into the corner. And Carlito misses with a splash. Slather with a couple of clotheslines and a facebuster on Carlito for a two. Carlito with and uncharacteristic spinebuster. Christian distracts Tarver and Carlito to where Slater counters the Backstabber into a jack-knife cover for a two. Carlito goes for another Backstabber but he's carried into the corner and countered a roll up, into a roll up for the 1-2-3.
We have a profile on Darren Young. He idolized Ricky the Dragon Steamboat and HBK growing up, and he's here to have fun and entertain us.
Cut to CM Punk, Darren Young and the Straight Edge Society in the back Darren tell Punk he respects his lifestyle and questions why he can't do this his way. Serena tells Punk he's the pro, and Gallows tells Young he's the rookie. Punk the leaves by saying he can lead a horse to water but can;t make him drink, and that he can be a winner with Straight Edge, or see what happens if he does this without it.
We have a RAW Rebound when we come back, and it focuses on the Cena/Batista feud. And the McMahon/Cena match turning into a handicap gauntlet, ultimately with Batista and McMahon beating Cena to close out Raw. Here's a link to Layin' Down the Raw, for the show in full detail. http://matthewmday.blogspot.com/2010/03/layin-down-raw-30810.html
Justin Gabriel w/Matt Hardy (aka Jobberwalkie #1) beat Wade Barrett w/Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Champion) in a singles match via pinfall: 5/10 or 2.5/5 Stars
We find out Y2J is bringing back The Highlight Reel and the guest is none other the Mr. Spear himself, Edge! I still remember when Y2J put HBK through his flatscreen back in their late 08-early 09nice feud. Good stuff right there. End match, Barrett hits a springboard backbreaker on Gabriel for a two. Then some offense and scoopslam. Gabriel gets put on the top rope and fights his way down. Barrett is on the top rope, and OUTTA NOWHERE @10:04CST he hits the 450 Splash for the win over Barrett. Afterward Y2J takes out Hardy, hits a Codebreaker and slaps on a Liontamer for the third straight week on a lowly rookie. Did I mention, during the match, Cole said why don't you just join commentary, and we hear Y2J yell. "Maybe I should, I'd be doing better than you!" That is why Y2J is the best he's still got your attention even when he's not supposed to have much, if any, attention at all. Commentator heel heat is awesome.
NXT: 5/10 or 2.5/5 Stars
Last Week: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
I dunno, with the exception of Jericho being awesome as always and the SES promo, this episode left me lacking, wanting more. Miz/Bryan is good too, but it feels like to me, their downplaying Bryan's abilities. With him losing, and Cole's commentary f***ing of him to boot. I'd like to see Bryan/Miz feud, but I'd also like to see him do good on NXT too. Anywho, small step down for me. Still a good watch and three alright matches.
As always suggest to me stuff to write and give me ideas for topics/content.
Thanks for reading Matt "Fat Jesus" Day Disciples.
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