Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The NXT Notes 3/2/10

Well I'm feeling much better tonight and taped from Witchata, Kansas or something, here's The NXT Notes!

We have the rules for WWE NXT. At the end of the season, the eight pros vote for the best rookie to move onto the WWE or whatever they move onto. BUT the pro can't vote for, or against, their own rookie. Nice keeps the predetermined vote a mystery till the end.

Darren Young beat David Otunga in a return singles match via pinfall: 5/10 or 2.5/5 Stars
I love how Otunga disregard Mr. Narcissistic entrance and looks ready for the match. I also love how CM Punk and the Straight edge Society completely separates themselves from Darren Young. I also love how much heel heat Young get's for just being mentored by Punk, he's really got a grip on the WWE Universe. There's even a out to the floor commercial break which shows WWE's consistency. End match, Young hits a vertical suplex that get's a one. He throws a reverse chinlock on Otunga, but he get's up and takes a back elbow for his troubles. More offense as Otunga is thrown into the corner and then doges a splash into the corner and rolls up Young for a two, but takes a clothesline and kicks out again. Otunga gets the knee up in the corner, an elbow and a clothesline sends Young reeling and gets shoulder blocked out of the ring. Gallows get's involved with Otunga/Truth which distracts the ref. Otunga bounces off the ropes but CM Punk trips him up behind the ref's back, which let's Young hit a full nelson into a one man flapjack for the pinfall.

A package on Daniel Bryan is shown and he tells how he's been wrestling for 10 years, has won titles all over and has even trained in HBK's wrestling school. Daniel says he wants to win and go onto Smackdown or RAW and main event Wrestlemania. Fine in my book.

Cut to Cole ragging on us Twitter users and Daniel Bryan in the back being looked at by a medic. The Miz comes up and tells Daniel Bryan he doesn't have time to kiss his boo-boos and he has a match against Wade Barret, Chris Jericho's rookie next.

After the commercial we find out Otunga and Truth got into a scrape. But don't worry, in Cole's worda: "And order was restored." We were all worried. Best one-liner of the night, me and my dad we're dying laughing.

Before the match we see a package on Wade Barrett in which he's has the exact same story as William Regal, but he grew up in Manchester and did it for money. He doesn't mind torturing people in the ring as long as he get's paid.

Wade Barrett beat Daniel Bryan in a singles match via pinfall: 3/10 or 1.5/5 Stars
World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho is on commentary. Short match. Daniel hits a running knee on Barrett off the apron. Y2J notes the determined-ness in his eyes and that he's a seasoned veteran. Then as Daniel Bryan is going for a springboard something his foot slips (Botchville, USA. Population: Daniel Bryan) and he lands hard on the mat. Barrett puts him in a fireman's carry and dumps him over the front of his body for the three count. Afterward Y2J plays up Barrett well and wails on Bryan in the ring before we hit the commercial.

RAW Rebound is up now and they show the Shawn Michaels promo where everyone thinks he's crazy, Triple H comes out and believes in him (Awwww cute), that he set up DX vs ShowMiz for the Unified Tag Team Championships and then DX losing in a heartbreaking match due to 'Taker being on the titan-tron. Here's the link to Layin' Down the Raw. http://matthewmday.blogspot.com/2010/03/layin-down-raw-3110.html

Recap of last weeks NXT where Christian/Heath Slater beat Tarver/Carlito. Into Heath bragging about how he was well accepted, and Christian told him the WWE Universe was his peeps. He then praises Heath for not being like a random guy at the gym with his sisters shorts on. They then do some reps and go to Sonic for Slushies.

Interview with one half of the Jobberwalkies, Matt Hardy and his rookie from Africa Justin Gabriel. Matt's the sensai, and Gabriel is flamboyant...err I mean a high flier. They have a tag match with William Regal and Skip "To My Lou" Sheffield next.

Skip "To My Lou" is a crazy cornfed meathead, the Heck-No Kid. That's all you need to know about this cowboy. Yip Yip Yip What It Do. Joy.

Here's Cole's story I've been anxiously awaiting this since he teased it going into the commercial break. He told us Regal said Skip was about as cool as an open grave. I give it a 2/5 for creativity. You can do better Cole.

Matt Hardy/Justin Gabriel beat William Regal/Skip Sheffield in a tag team match via pinfall: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
Cole knows who Adam Lambert is, so he's hip. Shades of the Hardy Boyz? Just blurt out a Vintage already and rob NXT of it's "Vintage Virginity." End match Matt in a takes a bunch of knees to the head. As Hardy is on the outside, Sheffield and Regal argue. Hardy back in the ring and Sheffield scoopslam and then a VINTAGE Sheffield from Matthews @10:00 CST! Regal back in the ring, escapes a backslide and let's Skip tag in. He wrestles Hardy down for a two. Matt counters into a neckbreaker and Regal get's the tag and stomps on Hardy. He punches Hardy while yelling and get's dropped on his head with a massive Twist of Fate and then Justin hits a 450 Splash for the 1-2-3.

Cut to the back where Striker is with the rest of the rookies. Carlito walks up and has his trademark apple and spits in Heath Slater's face. Says his catchphrase "That's Cool" and walks off. Slater is pissed and Striker ends the show by saying "That's NXT."

WWE NXT: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
Last Week: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
I liked NXT again this week. Even the rookies I know aren't winning are still making an impression on me why their in FCW in the first place. Good announcing, alright matches, and great promos makes NXT a great show to watch.

As always suggest to me stuff to write and give me ideas for topics/content.

Thanks for reading Matt "Fat Jesus" Day Disciples.

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