Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Commentfest 10/19/10

RIP The Grand Festival of Comments 2009-2010. A moment of silence to an old friend...........how long's it been? (Not yet my friend!)

We all know at the end both teams are gonna come out and beat the crap out of each other...very predictable (He got the beginning right)

Commentfest has been released from TheJohnReport.net. We wish it the best of luck in it's future endeavors. (Insert Matt Hardy joke)

Does that make Fozzie the Vince Russo of Commentfest? (Yes it does)

With apologies to Bill Goldberg, YOU DA MAN, MFJD!!! (Flattery always works on Fat Jesus)

No more commentfest? This makes me as sad as when Cena lost to Barret. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!! (Then cut to them crying on screen please)


Michael Cole-1 Commentfest-0 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (More like Commentfest- 857,976|Cole- 1)

Shouldn't Teddy just throw out that piece of paper?

No Swagger Soaring Eagle? This is pure BULLSHIT. (It's the reason we all watch Smackdown)


MIZ gets a star for naming all the smurfs

Sweet Son of Shit. Did Cole just warn viewers that the following video would be "disturbing"? God, I want to toss him into a vat of acid. (Creative Cole killing is always amazing)

Are we forgetting that Cole's supposed to be able to get GM emails on his phone? Just checking. (Yes sir.)

So, A-RY replaced R-Truth? (Nope Truth wasn't allowed in Canada, literally...I'm not kidding)

King called Long a "waste of skin." Apparently Michael Hayes has some influence on RAW's announce team as well. (Vintage racism)

I'd trim Natalya's beard...heh heh heh. (Sexual innuendos always make it)

Was that Big Show/Miz promo a commercial for the Cena/Nexus promo? (Shameless pandering at Fat Jesus from Fat Jesus)

John Cena got that water fast than when Chris Benoit took a pee and drank some coffee (Who is this Chris Benoit?)

Ouch.. Hulk Cena you don't wanna fuck with him. I heard one time he kicked out of a 3 count and the person on top fell on the Spanish announcers table. fact or fiction?

Fact, it was at small show down in Tijuana. No one has pictures, but a whole crowd saw it.

"Bret screwed Bret" sign in Calgary. Nice. (We needs a "Vince screwed Linda" sign in Hartford now, works of multiple levels)

Vintage @ 8:58 CDT!

If I was Wade Barret, I'd make Cena do the hokey-pokey in the middle of the ring. Just for lulz. And to prove that that would get more ratings than anything TNA did.

We know why Cena can't help him. But why can't anyone else? Sorry, I've been thinking again. (You are forgiven)

Wendy Slater just gave Orton the "Baconator"!

I thought Cole liked Vickie...wait there he goes. From face to heel in the span of three seconds. Dumb fuck.

LANCE STORM catchphrase FTW!!!

Wow it looks like a hooker convention in the ring (Only thing missing was Ron Jeremy)

Oh no! Watch out, Natalya! You have to face the undefined Diva's champion!



DUDEBUSTERS.....FTW......chris master WTF

Wasn't Vince suppose to be out here tonight? (Bret was supposed to be there too. Oh WWE.com you silly goose)


I miss Bra and panties matches. There, I said it.

"20 WWE books have reached the NY Times best-seller list" ...with 17 of those being written by Mick Foley.

Cena would no sell that driving off the grand canyon like Junior Seau no sold that driving off a cliff earlier today (Haha)

I thought Gary Coleman died?? (He sells better than Cena in the ring)


Is Mark Henry still a huge threat even though he's not there? What am I saying? Of course he is.

Is Hornswoggle trying to kiss Cantonia's ass? Cause it's working!

Hornswoggle is better than Mike Tenay

There goes Fesuts...wonder when Matt Hardy's gonna come out to save the da...oh.

Damn.. WWE over.. now to delete 300 emails of fb updates. (We end Commentfest like we started it, saying "Damn"...thanks for posting Ron Simmons)

It would help if there were more than 4 people posting and we get about 1000 comments like normal. Haha. We only got 400ish tonight, so it was slim pickens for good stuff. So Commentfest lives! Post every one, and I'll get it to John for The Raw Deal Tuesday's.

That's it for this Commentfest. As always suggest to me stuff you'd like me to write on n' shizz. I'm trying to get back in the habit of doing Smackdown on Friday and RAW on Monday if you wanna stay at my blog and read those. I do movie, tv, and music reviews occasionally as well. Also if you wanna add me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, please do so. Really I don't mind.

I'm Matt "Fat Jesus" Day, and thanks for reading Cantonites and my disciples!

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