Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The NXT Notes 2/23/10 [Premiere Edition]

Here we are, the next evolution of the WWE, NXT. Where we pair veterans, party boys, and paparazzi whores with WWE "pros" to see who can make it in the WWE. Get used to me making up bad, sometimes good, nicknames for all the rookies I deem fit as well. Anywho from where ever it was taped here's The NXT Notes.

Michael "Vintage" Cole himself, and Josh Matthews, who apparently was in Tough Enough back in the day, are the announcers. Matt Striker, WWE's best announcer is the host, good, I'm fine with everyone. And I love how Striker plays up the fact they're rookies. Sorry Byron, maybe Joey has a job for you at CAT FIGHT! Shuttie Joey, ECW's dead twice now.

Anywho onto the show as we start out with the 8 NXT rookies in the back. Enter The Miz, alright. The Miz calls out his rookie from the line, the incomparable Bryan...err...Daniel Bryan. He tells him he a bland piece of meat and to go cut a promo in the ring and create an amazing catchphrase. If it's not good he'll simply slap some personality into him. "I Came to Play" hits and Bryan comes down to the ring. He apologizes for The Miz and tells us all he wanted Bill Regal as his mentor. At this point Miz comes out at he's not happy at all. Bryan tells us all he's been competing all around the world for the last ten years, and then calls Miz out for being a former reality star, even though NXT is the WWE equivalent to a reality show, nice. The Miz is pissed as all hell and told him he was supposed to have the catchphrase like his. Enter the first time Miz calls him self awesome on WWE NXT. Bryan then busts back with the corny, but effective, "When we're in the ring you can tap, or snap". Miz laughs at him tell him he's terrible at life and then slaps him in the face, like he said he would, to end the segment. Love it already, great way to open the series and pretty much guarantees Miz/Bryan feud after NXT.

Christan/Heath Slater beat Carlito/Michael Tarver in a tag team match via pinfall: 4/10 or 2/5 Stars
Carlito, good old "Spit or Swallow", comes out with Michael Tarver. Carltio tells us that Tarver will win cause Carlito is a veteran or something boring, cue our first in depth profile on the rookies. I like these camera on one guy and letting them tell their story. He talks about how they call him "Mr. 1.9 Seconds" cause he can knock a guy out in that amount of time, not really any other good things come out of his promo, I don't wanna see him in the WWE. Cue Christan and Heath Slater, and they get a huge pop, well Christian get's a huge pop. Video interview number two, Go! Heath tells us he's a rock star without the instruments. Heath is f***ing charismatic as all hell and you can tell he loves what he does in the ring and in this business. He's the second rookie I like from last night. Anywho there was a match and he's what happened to end it. Christian goes for a Killswitch on Carlito, he slips out and tires to hit a reverse springboard back elbow, but Christian catches him to go for a second Killswitch and Carlito slips out and tags in Tarver. Carlito tells Tarver to Irish whip him into Christian whose in the corner. Christian get's his boot up though, and Heath pulls Carlito outta the ring. Which let Christian finally hit the Killswitch on Tarver for the three count. Solid first match on NXT, and very WWECW-esqe during 2009 till the end. Solid action, and nothing amazing, but good in-ring stuff none the less.

As we go into the break we see Darren Young aka "Unh-Se-Unh-Se-Unh-Se" talking to a disturbed Straight Edge Society. I was laughing the whole time. Then cut to Mr. Narcissistic R-Truth talking to his rookie David Otunga.

David Otunga beat Darren Young in a singles match via pinfall: 1/10 or 0.5/5 Stars
Straight Edge Society comes out with Young and they obviously hate the guy. They cut to a Punk promo rather than Young, he was told us he didn't even know why he's on this show and if Young wants to be mentored he can become straight edge and join Punk. Ahhhh F*** R-Truth is still singing he damn song out to the ring, and Mr. Hudson (No not the artist from the UK) doesn't like it either as he makes it to the ring in about 10 seconds. Another story from a NXT rookie is up now. Otunga tell us how he's better than all of us cause he goes to award shows, parties and has been to meet the President...twice, Google him. Amazing, love the guy he's the third guy on the premiere I liked. I wanna see him more in the ring. Anywho quick match, probably shouldn't have rated it but the CM Punk/David Otunga promos deserve something. After a quick pin attempt by Young, he get's blasted by a spinebuster or ura-nage for the 1-2-3.

Next a RAW Rebound and a perfect place to plug my blog about RAW each time WWE makes me watch recaps cause they assume we don't watch all the show. Anywho, here's a link Layin' Down the Raw for Monday's episode.

Another commercial which leads into the new World Heavyweight Champion, and best in the world at what he does Chris Jericho and his rookie, The Brit with a Flower, Wade Barrett come to the ring. Y2J tells Barrett to introduce him and but he sucks up in that British accent and Chris told him that all he wanted to be is introduced. Lol. He does and the 5th commercial of this hour long show hits. F***ING A**! Just give me Bryan/Jericho already!

Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Champion) beat Daniel Bryan in a singles match via submission: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
The Miz and Bryan come out, but Bryan blats past him and doesn't let him lead him to the ring. Bryan offers a hand shake to start the match. They do this before every match in ROH in case you didn't know. If you did you'd better tell somebody (Thanks for posting X-Pac and Road Dogg). Of course Jericho slaps it away and takes a couple dropkicks for his troubles. Bryan tries to charge Jericho in the corner but he moves and hits a dropkick of his own. He then kicks Bryan in the back of the head to control the match going into an interview segment with Wade Barrett by Strike mid-match. Weird as hell, but he asks him what he can learn from the best, Wade starts listing off Y2J's awesomeness, and but Striker reiterated what Wade could learn and he says some kind-of answer we all expected. Sorry I don't remember what all the rookies say all that time, sue me! (Thanks for posting person who sued Wendy's for finding a finger in their chili) There's a match going on in ring and Bryan dodges a shoulder block in the corner sending Jericho into the ring post. Bryan hit's offense on Jericho and sends him to ring side. Bryan then gets a head of steam and tries to hit Jericho with a suicide dive through the ropes. Jericho part side steps and part powerslams Bryan into the announce table. That s*** had to hurt like hell. Back in the ring Bryan locks in a STF/Ankle Lock submission on Jericho and he's in pain and hard pressed to get to the ropes. Which he does, Bryan breaks the hold and Jericho hits a Codebreaker, OUTTA NOWHERE, but can't capitalize on the cover. He get's up and taunts the crowd before he lock in a Lion Tamer, not the Walls of Jericho (glares at Cole), for the tap out.

Standout Stars of the Night:
1. Bryan Danielson- Glad to finally see you in the majors man
2. The Miz- Keep up the good promo work, your a busy man now-a-days)
3. Chris Jericho- The WHC being a mentor/having an amazing match on the C-Show, coupled with all the other stuff you. You'd never see HHH do this...
4. David Otunga- Best NXT rookie promo cutter by far, I wanna see him in the ring more
5. CM Punk- Simply for his facial expressions/attitude towards Young, lmfao

NXT: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
Last Week: n/a
I thought it was a great show, three good promo packages, one great one from Punk, and two solid/great matches. Cole having that heel-like pissy rant at all us internet bloggers cause we love Bryan was epic. Hey Cole, you did fine last night, but where's the "Vintage" I'm always looking for? Anywho good start to what should be a good season of NXT. There are questions though. How long is a NXT season? How long till CM Punk does an intervention on Darren Young? Will Cole ever say vintage on Tuesday nights?

Suggest to me stuff to write and I'll get right on it. <--- See what I did thar, clever hunh?

Anywho thanks for reading everyone as always!

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