Well here is Video Packagefest 2010 Part Dux! We have the rookies and their pros in the reality type show that got sucked in by the production team. Anywho, taped from the same place Raw, Superstars, and Smackdown were taped Monday, here's the NXT notes.
Heath Slater/"Mr. Flamboyant" Justin Gabriel w/Christian beat Skip "To Mu Lou" Sheffield/Wade "The Botanist" Barret w/William Regal in a tag team match via pinfall: 3/10 or 1.5/5 Stars
Maybe it's the fact their pushing the one man moron band, Heath Slater so much, or that the only guy in this match I liked is Barret. Kind-of like Gabriel though. Either way this match was only ok, nothing standout, no finishers, no 450 Splash, and nothing wowed me. End match Barrett goes for a big boot on Slater but hits Skippie and gets rolled up for the win. At least I think that's what happened, I don't remember the match it was that generic. WE have an elimination next week. Maybe WWE got Jeff Probst, and maybe there will be a elimination ceremony involving Vince saying "Your Fired!" (Thanks for posting Donald Trump)
Next we have the video package for Daniel Bryan. (#9) I don't mind the packages, but every time they show them its the same one. I know their trying to get us to know the rookies, but if your going to do this show different stuff from them every time. It's not hard to film a minute and half questionnaire on other stuff they do.
Cue an Undertaker/Shawn Michaels video package. (#10) And it's our typical rundown of how their match came to be, HBK screwing 'Taker at EC, then Undertaker making it Career v Streak, and finally HBK wanting the no DQ situation. I like the HBK/Taker packages the most. Juss sayin'
Here comes, you guessed it, another video package. (#11) This time it about the Vince/Bret feud. I'm really getting into it, Brets cutting stellar promos and we chronicle everything from Vince messing with Bret all those weeks, to the broken leg, to Vince wanting the Wrestlemania match, and to Stone Cold making them sign the contract and Bret revealing he's fine. I love Bret, and glad he's back, and I'm sure I'll go nuts when Bret slaps on the Sharpshooter on Vince Sunday. If you don't get excited for this..well there's something wrong with you. Again juss sayin'
We all know Darren Young right? Well here's a video package for him. (#12) Refer back to what I wrote on Daniel Bryan's for thoughts on these.
Oh look ANOTHER video package, and it's for Cena/Batisa. (#13) We saw five packages for them last night so we can chalk up another one for them. If you watched Raw, you know their pushing this hard. (That's what she said) At least it fresh, Batista is epic in the heel role, and the crowd is hot as the Devil's a** for this feud.
David "Google Me" Otunga/"Unh Se, Unh Se, Unh Se" Darren Young w/Straight Edge Society beat Daniel Bryan/Michael Tarver w/Carlito: 4/10 or 2/5 Stars
Oh look there's 15 minutes left in NXT at this point and we're finally getting this match, no not going. No their starting to walk down to the ring. Nice. The point in the match I wanna point out is when Bryan had Young in the Guillotine submisson and he flows into the arm scissors with the cross-face. My God it was perfect, and the sole reason he needs to win this. I never liked Tarver, and don't remeber him even getting into the match. Anywho, Bryan whips Otunga into Tarver, and goes for something of the second rope and misses, which allows Otunga to hit The Search Engine, his massive spine-buster. Yeah I came up with that name. Pretty good hunh? We end with Bryans in the ring with Tarver/Carltio hating on him for losing.
NXT: 4/10 or 2/5 Stars
Last Week: 6/10 or 3/5 Stars
Not that the action was bad per say, but watching 40 minutes of commercials and video packages and 20 minutes turn me off from the show. Yeah they're pushing Wrestlemania big time (No not Wrestlemania 22), but it'd be nice to see wrestling during the week before 'Mania. I'm going to watch Superstars tonight cause I hear Rey/Kidd is on there, but all in all I expect it to be Video Packagefest Part 3! Anywho, next week is the first elimination, and I say Michael Tarver goes, just cause he's not great. To be blunt. No RVD, not a blunt, get outta here.
That's it for The NXT Notes. As always suggest to me stuff you'd like me to write on n' shizz.
Thanks for reading Fat Jesus Disciples!
Lol at "the search engine.".
ReplyDeleteI like your nicknames for the wrestlers. As for my picks to stay, I'm going to say Barett/Daniels. And after seeing Gabriel's video package, I can tell they're limiting him a lot in the ring.