Thursday, March 25, 2010

WWE Wrestlemania 26 Picks

I'm excited, and this has been a good week so far! Here are my Wrestlemania 26 picks!

Eve Torres/Kelly Kelly/Mickie James/Gail Kim/Beth Phoenix vs. Vickie Guerrero/Maryse/Michelle McCool/Layla/Alicia Fox in a 5-on-5 Tag team Divas match
Winners: Eve Torres/Kelly Kelly/Mickie James/Gail Kim/Beth Phoenix
Don't really care much, the face divas usually win at the big PPV. I want my future wife Eve Torres to get the pin too. Big surprise hunh?

Triple H vs Sheamus in a singles match
Winner: Sheamus
I'm sick of face Triple H and I think in losing he'll go heel. Also, I think the only way the Sheamus will be credible with the audience is with a win. They throw him on Raw and have him win the WWE Championship, and then he loses his main event at Wrestlemania after the precious PPV losing the title. Then he'll be the weakest looking champ ever. Going from world champ to losing in a non-main event match at 'Mania? Mid-card bound if he does lose.

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio in a singles match, if Rey loses he must join the Straight Edge Society
Winner: CM Punk
Simple, CM Punk is heel gold. He gets a crowd going just being on screen or standing on the stage/in the ring. Add in the fact WWE wants to continue this feud, and Rey's never been a heel (or anywhere near it for that matter), equals the fact that Rey needs to lose. Expect interference.

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase in a Triple Threat match
Winner: Randy Orton
Orton is over huge as a baby-face and he's been losing to the The Rich and Lisp Sons for a couple of months now. The crowd is behind him, they really don't like Ted and Cody and it's the perfect time to break up Legacy for good. So let Orton win and keep him has a face, then at the draft send Ted to Smackdown and leave Cody on Raw. no matter what though Orton wins.

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred match
Winner: Bret Hart
Is there anyone out there that thinks Bret's gonna lose? No. Next is there anyone out there that thinks he won't win with the Sharpshooter? No. Am I going to mark out when he put it on Vince? Yes. Bret wins, easy pick.

Christian vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs Jack Swagger vs MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre (Intercontinental Champion) in a Money In The Bank Ladder match
Winner: Drew McIntyre or Christian
I like Drew, I like he entrance, I like he cocky heel role, I like him in-ring and I like the fact they're playing it up that everyone hates his guts. Good, everyone is supposed to hate the boss favorite employee. And I don't mind if he wins it. He's got the talent, and a dual Intercontinental/World title holder would be nice to see in the WWE. My other pick is Christian, give this guy a title, or get him to Smackdown. Draft Lottery aside, this is the way to do it. I'm calling it now, if Christian wins MitB and Chris Jericho retinas later in the night, I can seem him chasing in the briefcase of Y2J and winning. And everyone would flip their s***.

ShowMiz [The Miz (United States Champion)/The Big Show] vs John Morrison/R-Truth in a tag team match for the Unified Tag Team Championship
Winners: ShowMiz (Retains)
Easy pick they threw The Good and the Bad together to get John Morrison on the PPV as well and the Tag/United States champ. I get to heat a super-sized, God forsaken "Whats-Up" theme from R-Truth as he goes down the extra long ramp for Wrestlemania. Joy. Get John Morrison in a title picture, please. Miz is on fire both in-ring/on the mic, Big Show is great is in monster heel role as of late.

Shawn Micheals [Career] vs The Undertaker [WM Streak] in a No DQ match, it can only be won by pinfall/submission
Winner: Shawn Michaels
Yeah yeah, I'm sick of the streak, and I only like 7 or 8 of his actual WM wins, because, let's face it, most of 'Takers wins were bad matches. Maybe it's the HBK fan in me that doesn't wanna see him "retire," but like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. 17-1 at Wrestlemania, who else even even going to get near that level? No one, and that why I'm picking HBK. I'm 99% Undertaker is gonna win, mostly due to him being booked for Smackdown through the summer and HBK going off the grid. But, I'm sticking with my hopes and picks HBK for the upset. I also think that someone is going to interfere, and if that happens I want it to be Triple H, and I want him to take out HBK. Please make Triple H, I'm begging you WWE who will never read this, turn him!

Batista (WWE Champion) vs John Cena in a singles match for the WWE Championship
Winner: Batista (Retains)
Batista is on fire. His monster heel, I should be the poster-boy, I don't give a f*** about you Cena, I'll f*** you up no matter what character is damn good and I actually like this feud. Mostly due to the good promos these guys have put on, but also for the fact that the match is fresh. We've seen Batista/Cena what once in all the time they've been in the WWE? I like fresh matches that we haven't seen much of. Rather than Triple H/Randy Orton for the 347,600th time. Now I'm not saying that this is gonna be a great match, as I really don't like either of them in-ring, but I think they'll work hard, and get some props from a lot of "haters". Insert a Batista/Diva joke and/or a Cena can't wrestle joke here.

Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Champion) vs Edge in a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Winner: Edge (New WHC)
I know the best in the world at what he does has only had the title for one month. And I know that I've been clamoring for a nice Y2J title reign, but I want Edge to win. I want the cliche, get injured, surprise return to win the Royal Rumble, and winning the title at the biggest PPV. Yeah Edge has been the transition champ over the years, but him and Y2J are having a good verbal feud. I want Edge to win to keep the feud going. But, I think it will even if Chris retains. Either way we're going to get a show stealing match tonight. It's not Raw so we'll get good action, from two of the top guys in the WWE right now. -Insert Christian here if he wins Money in the Bank-


Here's the picks from my friend who also sent me pick for Elimination Chamber. I think I'll post them with mine every PPV, as long as he send 'em to meh. Anywho here's my friends, John Currie, WM26 thoughts/picks! Thanks for writing so much and showing me up.

Triple H vs Sheamus in a singles match
Winner: Sheamus

This guy needs to go over if we are to take him seriously as a main eventer. If he loses, however, there is a small chance that he will be humbled a bit, and work his way back up to the top gradually. But It's a long shot, and I hope they don't go that route. They shouldn't risk making him look weaker than he already does at the moment.

CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio in a singles match, if Rey loses he must join the Straight Edge Society
Winner: Rey Mysterio

Don't get me wrong, I want Punk to win. His heel persona is very effective and entertaining, and attracted tons of heat during his feud with Rey. However, I don't see Punk winning. Again, this is what I THINK will happen, not what should happen or what I want to happen. Any feud where Rey is forced to give something up, Rey prevails. I don't see him as part of the SES, although a reluctant heel gimmick would do wonders for the ratings. I'm picking Rey, but I hope I'm wrong.

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase in a Triple Threat match
Winner: Randy Orton

Let's break the two remaining Legacy members up already. They've had excellent matches together, but I want to see some singles action if they're not even competing for the belts. I sense some tension in this match between Ted/Cody. They've always had jealousy between the two as far as who the better man is, so I'm certain we'll see the final chapter on the Grandest Stage of them All.

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred match
Winner: Bret Hart

I think this is self-explanatory. It would make no sense for Vince to win, on many levels. I don't know exactly how Vince and Bret agreed to do this feud, but Bret would never agreed to it if it meant getting beat at Wrestlemania, and leaving the WWE on another bad note.

My question is, how is Vince going to cheat? I'm guessing a Supestar is getting involved, but Bret is one step ahead of him and brings backup as well. Batista/Cena comes to mind, but they've distanced themselves from this feud. I would really like to see The Hart Dynasty make some kind of appearance, but that's asking too much I suppose.

Christian vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kane vs Shelton Benjamin vs Jack Swagger vs MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre (Intercontinental Champion) vs Kofi Kingston in a Money In The Bank Ladder match
Winner: Shelton Benjamin or Christian

Shelton deserves the gold more than anyone in this match, with the exception of maybe Christian, my #2 pick. He has carried the past 3 or so MITB matches and done very interesting things in them, and has proven to be very formidable in the lackluster reincarnation of ECW. I hope he gets finally gets a shot this time around.

If not, then Christian is the next one in line who should get it. He was worthy of his lengthy ECW run, and could easily provide fresh, new feuds for the top title, and maybe even help bring credibility to the WWEHC/WHC, which seem to be in limbo between the top guys in the brands (Cena/HHH/Batista/Jericho/Orton). Let's make it a bit more interesting, so we don't have Superman Cena main eventing every single freaking PPV.

ShowMiz [The Miz (United States Champion)/The Big Show] vs John Morrison/R-Truth in a tag team match for the Unified Tag Team Championship
Winners: ShowMiz (Retains)

Please, don't let this tag team go over here. Seriously, they were randomly thrown together against the SES and the Hart Dynasty, and won. Although I would love to see Morrison back in tag competition, I believe it's time to move on for the World Title. Or at least teaming with someone who doesn't ask us what's up every five seconds.

And by the way, they don't even have a team name. That's how forgettable they are. "Truth and Wisdom" is the best name I heard, but I think "The Odd Couple" fits better.

Shawn Micheals [Career] vs The Undertaker [WM Streak] in a No DQ match, it can only be won by pinfall/submission
Winner: HBK

Let's face it. They're both past their prime, regardless of how many more matches they still have left in them. HBK, in my opinion, looks to be in much better shape, and can still work a more limited schedule. Taker, on the other hand, is getting burned out (no pun intended). I'm worried that if the streak is kept alive, there will always be that "one more match," and Taker will keep having to outdo the previous Wrestlemania. I'm not even sure WM26 will outshine their performance last year, which is why they added extra stipulations to try and keep it interesting.

I hate to see HBK go, but that's not why I think he will win. He is the one person I can think of who deserves to end the streak, and I never thought I'd say it. I don't want some newbie to pull an upset, and I certainly hope Cena doesn't do it, and don't think it will happen. After seeing the montage of HBK's accomplisments on the final Raw before WM, it only makes sense that Shawn Michaels does what no one else is able to do.

Streaks really are meant to be broken. Just think how annoying it would be if a wrestler never lost a match in his entire career. Would that be entertaining, or would it be predictable? I think if Taker lost, it would be both entertaining AND unpredictable. And it certainly wouldn't tarnish his already impressive list of accomplishments. For example, I don't think he has ever submitted (excluding the Montreal Scewjob V 2.0 involving CM Punk).

Either way, if their old age is becoming a burden, let them both take a nice long break like last year, maybe even longer.

Batista (WWE Champion) vs John Cena in a singles match for the WWE Championship
Winner: Batista (Retains)

Ever since turning heel, this guy has been on fire. His first promo with Cena was absolutely amazing, and making Cena look weak will create a rare opening that could involve a new gimmick. Because you can only keep the same freaking posterboy for so long before the crowd gets tired of him and turns on him, and calls him out by saying he can't wrestle. Oh wait, that already happened.

Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Champion) vs Edge in a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Winner: Edge (New WHC)

I don't like where this feud ended up, but I guess I'll give my thoughts on it anyway.

Edge is becoming quite the face here. I knew from the time he gave that promo on the Tron back during his injury, this would be an entertaining feud. Well, I was half right.

It just seemed that the confrontations had the same exact formula. They recap what happened over the past 7 or so months, Edge makes a funny, calls Jericho out on being The Best in the World at Being Speared. And for some reason, creative thought it would be a good idea to douse us with Spear chants for the rest of the feud, and make it the premise of their confromtations. It's as if they're watering down the whole buildup of Edge's recovery, or even the fact that Edge eliminated Jericho at the Rumble. Nope, they want us to keep in mind that Edge will always spear Jericho. Never before has a finishing move been so popular and chant-worthy.

I'm interested to see what kind of feuds Face Edge will have as champ again, should be refreshing from over 6 months ago. I'm surprised how over he's been, and how entertaining he was compared to Heel Edge, but let's keep it going please.


Anywho this should be a good 'Mania. It has a great line up. It rivals WM17, 19, and 21 in my book. At this point, I'm 5 hours away from the start and I'm mucho excited. It should be good. I might be on Twitter/Facebook the show so go to one of these places if you wanna see my thoughts as the four hour show rages.

That's it for my Wrestlemania 26 picks/thoughts. As always suggest to me stuff you'd like me to write on n' shizz.

Layin' the Smackdown should be up shortly. I liked Video Packagefest Part 3. And the video package counter return for the last time as well.

Thanks for reading Fat Jesus Disciples!

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